Location Information

  • Ararat Home of Los Angeles
  • 15099 Mission Hills Road, Mission Hills, CA, 91345 US

Participant Contact Information

Please provide the best phone number where we can reach you in the event that there is a last-minute change in venue.

Please indicate below whether you have received the COVID-19 vaccine.  Thank you.

Registration Information

Registration includes access to all handouts which can be downloaded from the Resources page of our website. You will be sent the password to access the handouts with confirmation of your registration. You can purchase a Handout Booklet for $30 that you will receive at the time you register, the first day of the conference.

  • Attend the 2-day course in person. I will print my own handouts.

    Registration includes access to all handouts which can be downloaded from the Resources page of our website (you will be sent the password with confirmation of your attendance).

    Also included is a continental breakfast and lunch both days.

Please check if you would like a vegetarian lunch both days.

Handout Material

All of the session handout material will be available for you to download and print from our website's Resources page. You will receive the password to access this page with your registration confirmation.

Or you can purchase the handout materials in a bound booklet for $30.

  • Booklet


    Pre-paid booklets will be provided on-site at Boot Camp. There is a limited number available.

    $30.00 ea.

  • Floating Frame

    Floating Frame

    A floating frame is available for purchase to display your Certificate of Training in Infection Prevention and Control. The certificate displays the course curriculum on the back so the floating frame is a perfect way to frame your certificate.

    A limited number will be available for purchase on-site.

    $10.00 ea.

  • Glo-Germ Kit with Powder

    Glo-Germ Kit with Powder

    Kit includes a small black-light and both Glo-Germ fluorescent powder.

    A limited number will be available for purchase on-site.

    $20.00 ea.

  • Glo-Germ Kit with Lotion

    Glo-Germ Kit with Lotion

    Kit includes a small black-light and both Glo-Germ fluorescent lotion.

    A limited number will be available for purchase on-site.

    $20.00 ea.

  • Glo-Germ Kit with Powder and Lotion

    Glo-Germ Kit with Powder and Lotion

    Kit includes a small black-light and both Glo-Germ fluorescent powder and lotion.

    A limited number will be available for purchase on-site.

    $30.00 ea.


For a copy of our W-9 form, click the link this link: IPCR W-9 form.pdf

Or go to the registration page on our website at www.InfectionPreventionResources.com.

No refunds will be given after March 10, 2021.

This course may be live-streamed over the internet and recorded. I understand that if I am attending in-person I may be visible in the audience to those viewing the course on-line.

RegFox Event Registration Software